Benjamin Close

Benjamin Close

Founder of ClearChain, my expertise remain in computing. A Unix fan from way back I’m a FreeBSD advocate with skills in most areas of computing. A programmer in C, C++, Java and more; I’ve writting some quite impressive applications including ARQuake, various 3D Visualisation programs, networking and file utilities, database and web applications and have also delved in to kernel drivers. My hobbies include walking, watching movies, gardening, softball coaching and more.

If you would like to contact me try one of the contacts below:

Name Benjamin Simon Close
Email Benjamin.Close [at]
Home Page
Address 677A One Tree Hill Road Gould Creek SA, Australia 5114
Mobile +61 417 525 843 (any time)
PGP Key Fingerprint: F00D C83D 5F7E 5561 DF91 B74D E602 CAA3 4842 B5B4

If you would like to find out more about me, please check out my CV

To see what I’m up to check my Blog.

If your more academically incline, checkout my Publications list.

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