Posted by Benjamin Close on March 6, 2009 under Projects, UniSA |

One project I’ve been working on with fellow members of the Wearable Computer Lab (WCL) has been a project we’ve called ‘Snappy’. Snappy is simply an old Canon IXUS camera that is connected to an old Dell Laptop. It was setup to monitor the construction of a new building here at the University of South [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 13, 2008 under OpenSource, Projects |

LDAP is a great protocol. It allows multiple clients to obtain data about virtually anything that you can think of. The LDAPAddressBook project is a project to determine a LDAP Schema that works in the following clients: Mozilla Thunderbird Windows Address Book OS X Address Book Squirrel Mail In fact any client that supports LDAP.
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Projects |

This page documents a concept that was discussed between a number of members of the Wearable Computer Lab. As such we’ve not investigated whether the concept is in violation of the gmail usage terms and conditions. Hence please consider below nothing but an idea for now. If you have questions about this or would like [..more..]