Posted by Benjamin Close on May 6, 2011 under OpenSource, Programming |

This article details a reason libdc1394_video_set_mode/libdc1394_video_set_framerate may not work. Whilst working on an application that makes use of a 1394a/firewire camera I found a strange bug/feature with libdc1394. The problem was dc1394 was being used to the mode of the camera to 800×600 resolution. However, when querying the frame size after dequeuing the frame, the [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Programming |

This article describes a possible reason glTexSubImage2D may be slow. Recently I was working on a piece of code that updated a texture with a camera frame. The application was using the fixed function (non shaders) pipeline of OpenGL. Whilst I didn’t notice it at first, I soon found that the camera image was very [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on July 30, 2009 under Computers, FreeDesktop, OpenSource, Programming |
Tags: api, conversion, examples, gtk+, MPX, protocol, toolkit, XI1, XI2, XInput 1.5, XInput1, Xinput2

Details about the API changes between Xinput 1(XI1) and XInput 2 (XI2)
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 18, 2008 under FreeDesktop, OpenSource, Programming, UniSA |

I’ve been recently trying to work out why jhbuild fails to build xorg on my FreeBSD box. Traditionally I compile to /usr/local/ however after wanting to experiment with MPX I’ve set things up so that I compile to /usr/local/MPX Sadly this kept breaking in xorg/lib/libX11 with the error:
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 13, 2008 under Programming |

Working with Mark’s dnl code, we came across an interesting issue. Mark had used the stl::set class for some of his code and whilst it compiled fine under Visual Studio, it failed to compile under gcc/g++. With the error: dnlCommon/Logger.cpp: In member function ‘void dnlCommon::Logger::setMask(std::ostream&, std::bitset<5ul>)’: dnlCommon/Logger.cpp:64: error: invalid initialization of reference of type ‘dnlCommon::Logger::LoggerPair&’ [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Programming |

I was coding a little program a while back when I found a Quirk about the stl reverse_iterator. Use of the iterator is quite easy until you have to delete from one. I tried the normal way of: vector<sometype>::reverse_iterator myiterator… .. .. myvector.erase(myiterator). only to find the code didn’t compile. A little baffled I started [..more..]
Posted by admin on November 7, 2008 under Computers, Programming |

Helpful hints for when using GDB
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Programming |

This page contains various helpful hints for using CVS.
Posted by Benjamin Close on under OpenSource, Programming |

The Autotools build system is a great system. It consists of a number of tools. These are aclocal[1], autoconf[2], automake[3], autoheader[4], and to some extent libtool[5] These tools all work together to aid in building applications, libraries and providing a consistent framework for doing so. The problem however, is the tools are hard to use, poorly documented and the [..more..]