Posted by Benjamin Close on March 1, 2012 under FreeBSD |
Tags: 2.0, FreeBSD, not working, printer, restrict, troubleshoot, usb, usb 2, usb FULL, virtual box, virtualbox

This page explains how to use a USB2.0 device in VirtualBox with a FreeBSD 8+ as a hostOS Recently I got around to converting my last Linux box over to FreeBSD. The change over for almost everything was smooth except for one thing. A windows virtual machine. I have a number of applications which sadly [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on December 10, 2010 under Computers |
Tags: 64 bit, 64bit, belkin, converter, MCT, osx 10, philips, serial, unsupported, usb, vista, windows 7

This article details how to use a Belkin FSU409 USB to Serial Converter under Windows Vista/Windows 7 64bit
Posted by Benjamin Close on September 15, 2008 under UniSA |

Today Snappy, the little photo box we have taking photos of the new Bruce Lab, broke again. Hence I quickly came up with a way of resetting the USB device under linux based on libusb. Sadly whilst I can confirm this does reset the device gphoto2 still doesn’t like our little Canon Ixus 400 and [..more..]