Posted by Benjamin Close on July 26, 2010 under Country Living |

Wow, has it really been that long already?… It’s now July 24th 2010, and Carly, Mitchell and I took final hand over of our new Format Homes built house way back in February 3rd 2010. We are so happy to be in our new house. It’s amazing when something that you both design, plan, follow [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on December 17, 2009 under Country Living |
Tags: bath, batteries, cornas, doors, Format Homes, gyprock, inverter, kitchen, regulator, solar panels, solar system

With Christmas just around the corner it’s time for another house update. Things have progressed quite a bit since the last update but also a lot slower. The house has finally reached lockup and hence we only get to see what’s happening when trades men are around. Format Homes have continued working on the house [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on October 20, 2009 under Country Living |

Wow, how time flies! It’s been almost 2 months since I last wrote about the progress of our house and lots has happened in that time. Our supervisor has been absolutely awsome, great to talk too, willing to listen and also willing to deal with concerns that we have had. Actually most people that have [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on August 18, 2009 under Country Living |

After a couple weeks with little happening, it seems things are finally starting to pick up. Last week saw the shed start to go up, and the house being rubbled and the septic tank going in. It’s nice to finally have the rubble in place. We’ve been told quite a few times it’s too wet [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on August 3, 2009 under Country Living |

With winter well underway, it’s time for another update. Since the last blog post, quite a lots has happened. Format has poured the slab and hence our house is taking shape. I really do feel for the folks who poured the slab. I went up there and saw it taking place. The day was an [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on June 29, 2009 under Country Living |

It’s amazing how things happen quickly when they get started. After nothing really happening for quite a few weeks, things have really started moving. The house is moving on quite a bit. Format Homes have dug the trenches have been dug, the piping layed, the plastic’s down and so’s all the wire mesh. The house [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on June 19, 2009 under Country Living |

It’s been a little while since the below photos were taken and sadly not much has happened since they were due to the weather. However, our house has been started! (well as of the Thursday 4/6/2009)
Posted by Benjamin Close on February 21, 2009 under Country Living |

Monday Carly and I attended Format Homes for our Final selections. Things went very smoothly and we were very impressed at the range we had to choose from. In the end all we ended up needing to pay extra for was a few optional things we had requested. These included a 3rd coat of paint [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on February 5, 2009 under Country Living |

When deciding to build our home, Carly and I very quickly realised an Electric oven was not a practicle solution. With our electricity being generated from Solar, a standard electric oven using 2-3Kw of power per hour would drain our backup supply very rapidly. (We will only be generating about 10kw a day). Hence we [..more..]