Posted by Benjamin Close on April 27, 2009 under Country Living |

Well after a few hickups things are all on track. Since the last update Carly and I have officially sold our house, gone through settlement and are Living with Carly’s Parent’s John and Denise. At the same time we have got Development Approval from the Tea Tree Gully Council for our house, the shed and [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on March 3, 2009 under Country Living |

Today we received council approval to put in a septic tank… we think. You see we lodged plans for a sepage based septic tank with Tea Tree Gully Council, however our approval letter indicates an Aerobic septic tank. We’re currently working out what approval we have via way of contacting council.
Posted by Benjamin Close on February 21, 2009 under Country Living |

After attending Final selections Monday, Tuesday we received the site plans from our the engineers for both our shed pad and the access track. This is the final piece of the puzzle that we needed in order to make Tea Tree Gully council happy. In Hills Face Zone, the council requires details about anything that [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Country Living |

Monday Carly and I attended Format Homes for our Final selections. Things went very smoothly and we were very impressed at the range we had to choose from. In the end all we ended up needing to pay extra for was a few optional things we had requested. These included a 3rd coat of paint [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on February 10, 2009 under Country Living |

Today a quick call to the council revealed that our plan is currently with the Department of Health. Apparently they are looking over the Septic tank system. I was told it’s been with them for a week now and approvals in general are taking 6 – 8 weeks.
Posted by Benjamin Close on January 23, 2009 under Country Living |

After having the day off yesterday, Carly and I did a lot of ringing around to try and find out the state of things. Turns out that the second lot of engineering has now been done. Talking to Amanda at Format Homes, we were told that all had now been submitted to council – Which [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on January 21, 2009 under Country Living |

Welcome to the first in many articles about the creation of Carly and my dream paradise at Lot 723, One Tree Hill Road, Gould Creek, South Australia, Australia On the 29th of August 2008, Carly and I became the proud owners of 16.8 acres of land at Gould Creek, South Australia. The block is located [..more..]