Xinput 1 -> XInput 2 conversion guide

Details about the API changes between Xinput 1(XI1) and XInput 2 (XI2)
Details about the API changes between Xinput 1(XI1) and XInput 2 (XI2)
Please welcome Yang Zhao (yzhao) to the FD.o ranks. Working on Xorg and in particular the xf86-video-radeonhd driver.
Please welcome Alexander Sack (asac) to the Freedesktop team. Alex will be working on ModemManager & NetworkManager
Please welcome Arkadiusz Miskiewicz (arekm) to the open office team.
Please welcome Alex Villacís Lasso to the FreeDesktop ranks. Alex will be working on improving the Savage driver, mentored by Alex Deucher
Please welcome Eitan Isaccson to (eitani) to the ldtp group
Please welcome Fathi Boudra to the Freedesktop ranks. Fabo will be working on portland and xdg utils.
Please welcome Siarhei Siamashka to the Freedesktop world. Siarhei will be working on Xorg and Cairo, mentored by Søren Pedersen