Posted by Benjamin Close on November 13, 2008 under Projects |

This page documents a concept that was discussed between a number of members of the Wearable Computer Lab. As such we’ve not investigated whether the concept is in violation of the gmail usage terms and conditions. Hence please consider below nothing but an idea for now. If you have questions about this or would like [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 8, 2008 under Computers, OpenSource |

Sometimes you want to expose one port in your firewall but not another. However, often you have different servers running on different ports. Apache has the ability to proxy pages, this allows one server to be externally visible with the other running only locally. It allows you to secure one server and only open one [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Computers, OpenSource |

Removing .htaccess Authentication Restrictions Have you ever found yourself needing to remove authentication from part of a website? This actually happens fairly regularly. The way you do it is as follows: .htaccess AuthType none Satisfy Any The AuthType none directive indicates apache should not prompt for a password, whilst the Satisfy Any directive tells apache [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Other |

Using External SSH access with normal password authentication is dangerous. It is susceptible to the following problems: People can use weak passwords which are easy to hack A remote machine may have a key logger on it Someone may be performing a man-in-the-middle type attack Hence if you wish to access a shell account or [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeBSD, wireless |

Last Updated: 20080521054508 This page documents the current state of the IWN driver for FreeBSD, the driver supports the Intel 4965AGN Wireless Card, often found in Intel Centrino based laptops. If your looking for the driver for the 3945 chipset check out the wpi page. Note: A majorly updated version of the iwn driver has [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 7, 2008 under Computers, OpenSource |

Using SSH for Automatic Key authentication SSH provides an encrypted tunnel for use with interactive and non interactive terminal sessions. It provides authentication via a number of methods including password, public/private key pairs and challenge keys. SSH also provides authentication forwarding between machines. This feature allows a user to be able to log on to [..more..]
Posted by admin on under Computers, Programming |

Helpful hints for when using GDB
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Computers, FreeBSD |

This article describes how to setup Frox to perform transparent proxying and caching via pf under FreeBSD.
Posted by Benjamin Close on under Computers, FreeBSD |

This document describes how to setup both the server side and client side for a PPTP connection with MPPE encryption that works for windows, MacOsX and other freebsd boxes. Note, it was based on FreeBSD 6 series, whether it works with later versions of FreeBSD is unknown. The basic process: – Install & configure pptpserver [..more..]