user: Eitan Isaacson (eitani) join LDTP group

Please welcome Eitan Isaccson to (eitani) to the ldtp group
Please welcome Eitan Isaccson to (eitani) to the ldtp group
Please welcome Fathi Boudra to the Freedesktop ranks. Fabo will be working on portland and xdg utils.
Please welcome Siarhei Siamashka to the Freedesktop world. Siarhei will be working on Xorg and Cairo, mentored by Søren Pedersen
In an effort to cleanup spam telepathy wiki has been shifted to annarchy, upgraded and catchpa’s added. All spam pages have now been removed.
For quite a while now I’ve been using Apple’s ICal server on FreeBSD and Sunbird/Lightning as a front end to the calendar. However, one thing that has always annoyed me was the lack of a web frontend to my calendars. Well today after searching on a completely different topic I found a javascript front end [..more..]
As part of the continued server cleanup plan, the libopenraw website has moved from gabe to annarchy. In the process it also got upgraded to a later version of moin to enable catpha’s.
Please welcome Pavel Beňak (aries) to the FD.o crew. Pavel will be working on portland and xdg-utils.
Please welcome Joel Bosvend (b0le) to the FD.o ranks. Joel will be working on Input Redirection in the Xserver as part of a Google Summer of Code project. Peter Hutterer is his mentor.
To combat spam both the spectre and swfdec wiki’s have been upgraded to a later version of moin. Capta’s have been put in place and all existing spam has been removed. Sorry, probably a few broken links due to this change but shouldn’t be too hard to clean up.
This page documents the current state of play for booting the root filesystem (/) off a zfs zpool under FreeBSD, using a standard master boot record (MBR) and a standard partition table. The aim was to be able to have a dual boot system for my laptop using the standard FreeBSD quick selection boot loader. [..more..]