Posted by Benjamin Close on December 4, 2008 under FreeDesktop |

After a few weeks of the cgit change over happening, I’ve been working with Lars Hjemli (cgit creator) to try and add the remaining functionality that gitweb had, but cgit was missing. Very quickly I added sort by age functionality which left only full log support. Well Lars has done a great job responding to requests [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 24, 2008 under FreeDesktop |

With CGit v0.8 supporting, atom feeds, patch targets and also the clone-url option, it’s time to finally rid ourselves of the memory hungry gitweb. Hence cgit.fd.o has been upgraded and gitweb been pointed to cgit.fd.o. There’s also a bucket load of redirects in place to support this. Hence all the old gitweb url’s should correctly [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 18, 2008 under FreeDesktop, OpenSource, Programming, UniSA |

I’ve been recently trying to work out why jhbuild fails to build xorg on my FreeBSD box. Traditionally I compile to /usr/local/ however after wanting to experiment with MPX I’ve set things up so that I compile to /usr/local/MPX Sadly this kept breaking in xorg/lib/libX11 with the error:
Posted by Benjamin Close on November 13, 2008 under Computers, FreeDesktop, OpenSource |

MPX is a modification of the Xorg X Windowing system created by Peter Hutterer whilst doing his PHD in the Wearable Computer Lab, at the University of South Australia. It allows independent device control and contains a number of different API enhancements to support these. You can find more about MPX at: Some of [..more..]
Posted by Benjamin Close on October 8, 2008 under FreeDesktop |

Please welcome Arnaud Fontaine (arnau) who has joined the fd.o ranks to work on xcb!
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeDesktop |

Please welcome John Carr (johncarr) to the fd.o ranks. He’ll be working on the OHM project.
Posted by Benjamin Close on October 3, 2008 under FreeDesktop |

Please welcome Andreas Volz (andreasvolz) who will be taking over maintaining dbus-c++ from Paolo Durante. Details at:
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeDesktop |

The Accessibility project at-spi has recently been granted bugzilla support. Hence visit to file bugs Details about the project can be found at
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeDesktop |

Please welcome Robert Staudinger (robsta) to the fd.o ranks with his newly created project ccss. Details at:
Posted by Benjamin Close on under FreeDesktop |

Due to inactivity since it’s inception, the libjpeg project has been shut down Refer to: for details.