Caldav calendar & icalserver

Posted by Benjamin Close on June 24, 2009 under Computers, FreeBSD, OpenSource | 2 Comments to Read

For quite a while now I’ve been using Apple’s ICal server on FreeBSD and Sunbird/Lightning as a front end to the calendar. However, one thing that has always annoyed me was the lack of a web frontend to my calendars.

Well today after searching on a completely different topic I found a javascript front end to caldav. After only a few minutes setup I had the frontend up and running. Sadly however, It didn’t play happy with ICalServer. A little debugging of the caldav REPORT request and I had it querying correctly.

Now there was valid data populating the table… or was it. Looking a little closer there were bugs with the reoccurring events and also with the lastMonday function. A quick fix (after 20mins finding them) and now the calendar works great!

Best thing about it is I can now have a public caldav calendar which everyone can view whilst being able to update thing directly on my own writable version of the caldav calendar.

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